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Published May 31, 2018

Cultivate A Love Of Learning

The tools, techniques, and knowledge that we apply to our work as designers is constantly changing and evolving. It can be hard for seasoned professionals to keep up. Most of the skills that designers need can’t be learned in school. So, what do entry-level professionals do if they want to achieve?

New professionals and students need to adapt their knowledge to an ever-changing field and develop a disciplined approach to staying on top of the industry. Skills are learned on the job, and some fields, like financial systems, government agencies, and medicine, demand industry-specific approaches and solutions.

Center Centre is a new UX Design school that tries to meet these challenges by providing workshops with industry experts, and hands-on work in real-world projects with companies and non-profits. It also offers a collection of the latest resources and tools that will be used on the job. It’s a school that focuses on practical, immediate applications in the design field while emphasizing the importance of developing a lifelong practice of being curious, asking questions, and learning along the way.

UX thoughts to inspire you to do something differently in your design work.

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